The Value of Slowing Down

Slowing down!!! Sounds Cliche, isn’t it? The concept of having a pause, rest and even time out are no brainers but how many of us in reality understand the meaning of doing nothing and practice stillness. 

So many of us are conditioned to work and behave in a certain way that we completely undermine the value of just being still and present. All we care about is getting things done and being uber productive because our society expects that from us. The more productive you are, the more successful and competent you are. 

Our lives have become a never ending to do lists and we are happy to carry on like this. Be it us adults, college going youth or school going young kids. Even they are expected to be getting themselves enrolled into sought after clubs and privileged hobby classes, on top of getting good grades. In short a mini adult powerhouse of talent and skills. 

I’m myself guilty of some of these vices. I always have this nagging anxiety at the back of my mind that I might have forgotten something while on our way to airports. I mean how can the absence of one random coat, a paracetamol or a digital wire can mar or spoil our trip? Everything is easily available no matter where in the world you are. But we don’t realise that and constantly overload our minds.

Will the heavens come crashing down if our houses are not tidied for a day, if you forget to send an email, if you don’t find the time to cook or even if you are not in a presentable condition if an unexpected visitor arrives?? We all know the answer but if it needs to be repeated then it is No, it won’t.

And there are numerous incidents like these happening all around us. Driving fast, tempers soaring high, yelling at long queues, getting frustrated when things get delayed, constantly checking our phones and performance pressures. What does all this indicate?? Certainly not the development or progression of the human race. 

It simply proves that despite the human advancement in all the areas, we have failed miserably in taking care of ourselves. There is no pause and no taking rest. All this madness will cease to exist if we take just one step – Slow Down

And if we run at this high speed all the time, what’s going to be the end result?? We are going to break down. Rest is needed to let our mind and bodies recover.

Learn to understand the signs given by our bodies. Don’t ignore the messages it sends. I know all of you must have heard and read this before but it needs to be repeated and reaffirmed – ‘Slow Down’ and take care of yourself first. Step back and retrospect what needs to be done.  

Shorten the list of the things that you have to do during the day. Aim to finish 3 to 4 chores in spite of 6 to 7.

Try to let go of negative thoughts in your head as to what would happen.

Focus on yourself and your mind will follow the suit.

Go for a run or walk. Get some fresh air and blood pumping in your body.

Spend time with the people you love. Meaningful and loving relationships and bonds are the crux of happy life and a happy you.

Learn to say ‘No’ whether it is some extra responsibility, an extra chore or a phone call. There are always other people to share the load. A phone call can always wait or message them that you will get back to them later.

Slowing down will make you more conscious of your surroundings and your needs. There will be a new revitalised sense of self and being. You will learn to sense peace, calmness and bliss. As opposed to the popular notion, slowing down will make you more productive as you will be more focused. Let all the worries crash to the ground and just breathe and trust. 

Learn to practice mindfulness and live in the present. Stop and smell the roses. There is no better day to do that but today. 



  1. Richa
    July 30, 2020 / 3:43 pm

    What an interesting piece to read … very much relevant for today’s life. Feeling inspired and looking forward to read another journal of yours. Thanks Amazing work 👍👍

  2. Parul Gupta
    August 3, 2020 / 8:34 pm

    Marvellous piece of writing Shaveta. These practical tips can surely serve a balance in everyday life.