Easy Ways to Practice Self Care

Our bodies are our garden to which our wills are gardeners” – William Shakespeare

In today’s busy world, it is very easy to forget to take care of yourself. I know there is so much going around. Long commutes and working hours, traffic, deadlines to meet, projects to submit , running a business or a household, maintaining the standard of our lives and making sure all the social and economical aspects of our life are aligned with each other and running smoothly. I know all these are very vital for our lives but we do always need to remember that it’s our body acting as a fuel to run these various sections of our lives.  

In today’s maniac world self care is very essential to maintain balance and sanity. Our mind and bodies are immensely taken for granted. We don’t realise the importance of a healthy mind or body until something alarming happens. 

Self care is not a luxury but a priority. We always tend to find time for other people and other things in life but regard self care as inconvenience. Whereas it should be on the top of our priority list. Self care is a kind of mind and soul food. And the only person who can make it possible is “You”. 

Practicing self care is different for everyone. A simple activity can prove healing for one person but triggering for another. So we have to find and maintain balance as to what works best for us. 

Below are a few easy ideas to get started. Find and practice the one which works for you.

  1. Get adequate sleep
    Maintain a healthy sleep pattern. A healthy body is a home to a healthy mind.
  2. Eating a well balanced diet and drinking plenty of water
    A healthy diet is no brainer. Have a nourishing meal and enjoy it. H2o is your best friend, so remain hydrated.
  3. Get your body moving
    Whether it is exercise, yoga, walk or even dance, do whatever energises you. Physical activity is a part of self care.
  4. Practice Meditation or Mindfulness
    Meditation may sound intimidating for some but start with basic deep breathing . This alone can make a lot of difference and combine it with mindfulness.Sit silently for sometime, practice the art of sitting still and paying attention to your thoughts and sensations.
  5. Unplug from the digital world
    Once in a while switch off your social media and stow away those phones and laptops. Connect with the present and enjoy the moment rather than glued to the digital world.
  6. Avoid Stress
    Steer clear from situations that provoke you and trigger any kind of stress. Put boundaries wherever required. Nothing is more important than your peace .
  7. Do something that makes you happy or inspires you
    Watch a movie, listen to music, gardening, cooking, do make up or read a book. Possibilities are infinite.
  8. Write a journal
    Write down your thoughts or whatever is bothering you. Free yourself from those negative thoughts or bin those papers later.
  9. Create a gratitude list
    Enlist the things you are thankful for in life. Be it roof over your head, clean drinking water , trustworthy friends or good health.
  10. Take a trip down happy memory lane
    This one is my personal favourite. Looking at old photos or smelling a special perfume evokes so much nostalgia. Sometimes you might feel like you are back in time when those photos were being taken.

Please don’t try to tackle or implement all the changes at once. Take small steps towards your self care journey. Prioritize your self care plan and focus on all aspects of your life. Very soon you will start noticing delight in small pleasures and will feel connected to yourself and the world around you.



  1. Richa
    July 31, 2020 / 2:06 pm

    Informative article about essential self care.. looking forward to read more in future👌👌

  2. Parul Gupta
    August 6, 2020 / 12:55 pm

    Fabulous writing and very important aspects of self care has been embedded here. Thank you xx