10 Tips to Create a Healthy Home

According to a survey conducted by EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), an average person spends 93% of their lives indoors. 87% of which is spent indoors and another 6% is spent in automobiles. To make the matters worse this study was conducted two decades ago, way before tablets and smartphones appeared in the scene. The statistics of the current day world must be alarming.

This year 2020 has taken that ‘staying indoors’ concept simply to another level due to the whole world coming to a halt and going into lockdown. Coronavirus made us believe that the only way we can be safe is by staying indoors.

The number of health risks associated with living a long term sheltered life are numerous. But when staying inside becomes vital for existence, then let’s discuss how we can make our home environment healthy. A few changes here and there can positively affect our mood, health and relationships. 

Go Green and Natural

The conventional cleaning supplies available in the market contain a potent mix of chemicals. The chlorine, ammonia or phosphates containing products leave a very adverse effect on our health and in turn damage the environment too when washed down the drain. Ditch these toxic cleaners and look for green cleaners that say ‘’petroleum- free’’, ‘’biodegradable’’ or    “phosphate free”.

I personally love using the two holy grails of the cleaning world – Baking soda and Vinegar. Create your own by mixing these two with your favourite essential oil and you can use it on almost all surfaces. Use Borax to remove mold and mildew. Enzyme based drain cleaners are another favourite too. 

Be mindful about the presence of VOCs in your house. VOCs are volatile organic compounds and chemicals that are emitted as gases. They can have short or long term adverse effects on our health like allergies, nausea, eye and skin irritation. Long term effects include damage to the central nervous system or even cancer. The harmful chemicals may take up to three years to off- gas. So next time when you are planning to paint those walls or even the whole house, consider using low or no VOC paints.

Stop the Mold 

Although there is no sureshot way to eliminate mold altogether but we can minimize it by controlling indoor moisture and humidity. Regular use of extractors, dehumidifiers and opening the vents can reduce indoor humidity. Let the extractor keep running for at least 20 minutes after a shower or open a window after every time you have shower to reduce condensation. 

Bring the Nature indoors

Besides looking beautiful, house plants have numerous health benefits. They reduce carbon dioxide and release oxygen, act as humidifiers and remove toxins like benzene and formaldehyde. English ivy, asparagus fern, dragon tree and peace lillies are the best air scrubbers which can soak up VOCs. So the next time you visit a nursery, go mad with plants.

Clean your Appliances 

Your washing machine, dishwasher, oven or even toaster/ kettle need regular cleaning. The longer you let dirt and grime accumulate, the harder appliances are to clean. The extractors work hard to keep the smoke out, so we need to regularly clean or change filters. Remove food debris from your toasters and dishwashers. Tackle cleaning tasks to one appliance a day. It will prolong the life of your appliances and in turn improved health for your family. 

Filter the Drinking Water

You can request a copy of your home’s water quality from your local municipality. If need arises you can install a water filtration system to get rid of your drinking water of harmful pollutants like asbestos ,lead, chlorine and radium. You can choose from whole house water filters (pretty expensive), under sink models, tap mounted or simple pitchers ( quite affordable). They all work pretty well to ensure you are drinking safe water.

Let the Fresh Air come in

Like lungs, our homes need to be able to breathe to make sure fresh air comes in and unhealthy air goes out. Open up the windows for natural ventilation during mild weather. Opening windows and doors regularly ensures to reduce your family’s exposure to harmful pollutants and VOCs which are trapped inside your house. Fresh air and sunlight are natural healers for us. So proper ventilation is very significant in improving our health and well being.

Install Carbon Monoxide and Radon Detectors

Carbon Monoxide is known as a silent killer as it is odourless and colourless. It can be deadly if leaked or inhaled in high concentrations. So carbon monoxide detectors should be installed on each level of the home especially near the sleeping areas, water heater and fireplaces. Radon is another odourless gas that can cause lung cancer so installing a radon detector is also a good idea. 

Wash the Sheets more often 

It’s hard to believe because we can’t see it with naked human eye but our bed sheets are home to dead skin cells, sweat, and natural body oils. Washing the sheets regularly is also important to prevent nasty dust mites and fungus. If somebody in the home is sick or down with cold or flu, try to change the sheets daily.  Same applies to towels too. 

Sanitize Handheld Devices

We may not realize it but mobile phones, tv/ console remotes, Ipads and computer keyboards are harbours of germs and bacteria. These gadgets are carriers of viruses and it’s very vital to clean them with rubbing alcohol or disinfectant wipes. 

No Shoe in the House

Our footwear carries all sorts of microbes like bacteria and viruses which we certainly don’t want stamped inside our house. In addition to dirt and debris, our shoes are covered in over 400,000 types of bacteria. So its important to institute a no shoe policy. Put door mats both inside and outside the main entrance. Provide plenty of space to your visitors to store shoes and offer them indoor footwear. 



  1. kavya somshekar
    November 18, 2020 / 9:51 am

    Very helpful tips.

  2. Parul Gupta
    November 18, 2020 / 10:12 am

    The little things mentioned in this article are so essential in day to day life and very well summed up here. My favourite is baking soda and vinegar as a cleaner, so easy to make and use. Thank you for sharing xx

  3. Richa Sandhu
    December 10, 2020 / 8:30 pm

    Informative article …It’s been a while to visit your website… Good read 🙂